
Join Holly for group teleclasses and webinars. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be notified of the next one.

Spring Renewal Teleclass- Thursday May 15th 8pm Eastern. Send us an email to register.

Join Holly from the comfort of your own home and learn some important ways to bring the renewal of the season into your daily life. She’ll be talking about foods to add into your day and ways to revitalize your life at this important time of new beginnings. Can’t make the date? No problem! The call will be recorded and emailed to all participants to listen to over and over.

What people are saying:
“Holly , I enjoyed last week’s teleconference tremendously. Your company’s name is so perfect. How nice of you to give your time to create a special hour or so for all of us to spend learning, thinking, and living! I came away with a couple of easy things I can do to start me on my way can’t wait to do it again. Thanks.”
– Alan

“Thank you so much for the teleclass last night, it was very informative. As you spoke about, I am going to try to be more ‘present ‘in my daily life. I was very relaxed after listening to you last night, you have a very calming voice and manner. Thank you again and I look forward to your next teleclass.”
– Madeline