Artificial Sweeteners Gone Sour? By Lorrie Klosterman You’ve had a great workout, pushing yourself to generate an impressive sweat and a formidable thirst. You fancy a carbonated beverage, and after all that work to keep the pounds off, you choose sugar-free. And surely you could splurge on just a little ice cream – better yet,.. read more →
YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT Ah, November–the time we round the year’s bend and start careening full-tilt toward the holidays. And of course Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukkah bring good times with family and friends–which often involve sitting around a cozy table or lavish buffet consuming copious amounts of food and drink. Fast-forward to New Year’s.. read more →
Vegetarians finding flexibility in their diets BY SACHI FUJIMORI A strict vegetarian as a teenager, Sierra Shafer now counts herself as a meat eater, with a few caveats: the animals must be raised on local, sustainable farms, or caught ethically, like the venison steaks she gets from her friend, a bow hunter. And she eats.. read more →
Curbing the Sweet Tooth “Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you.” Even endearments in our culture, such as “honey” and “sweetie” reflect our obsession with sweets, says Holly Anne Shelowitz. Sugar is an acceptable addiction in our culture, despite the serious damage that over-consumption can have on our health,.. read more →

Feeding Your Inner Hibernator by Ilyse Simon Illustrations by Annie Internicola It’s October. The fresh peaches of summer are sweet history, the farmers’ markets are closed, and autumn is here to remind us that this is a season of change. There are modifications to our wardrobe, adjustments to the darkness that greets us in the.. read more →
Eat Your Way through the World’s Healthiest Vegetables By Jennifer May Eating whole and unprocessed foods—direct from the ground, to the pot, to the table—may be our best defense against heart disease, stroke, cancer, and a plethora of chronic diseases which currently plague us. Evidence is mounting in favor of eating at least five to.. read more →
Nourishing Wisdom by Pauline Uchmanowicz Drifting downward like confetti through dwindling Indian summer air, brown and yellow leaves reconcile us to harvest season’s grand finale – a bittersweet sendoff of hearty fruits, vegetables and greens. “As the leaves change, the palate changes,” nutrition counselor Holly Anne Shelowitz observed on a recent Monday evening, seated at.. read more →
Fuel for Life: Food & Fitness for Health With every new fad diet and exercise craze comes the promise that THIS way of eating or THIS form of exercise is THE answer for anyone wanting to have a fit body. Judging from the overall results of this short-term, one-size-fits-all thinking, many people are caught in.. read more →
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