feeling bloated? try this

Holiday time is about celebrations, gatherings and bringing the light into the dark time of year.
With all the wonderful delicious food and parties often comes a feeling of, “ugh, I’m stuffed, bloated and feeling sluggish”.
Try these remedies to encourage your body to heal, gently detox and release.
bra-00116-1Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
Adding a spash (a teaspoon) of this to your glass of water adds beneficial enzymes that aid digestion, help with digestive issues like reflux and hearburn. It’s especially helpful after a big meal, or the morning after.

Drink Plenty of Water 24002485-pure-water-is-emptied-into-a-glass-of-water-from-a-pitcher-fresh-drinking-water-stock-photo
Believe it or not, it’s so easy to be dehydrated. When your body is thirsty and dry, food does not get digested as easily. One of the most difficult things to deal with is being super hungry and arriving at a party or restaurant and being served bread. Or crackers and appetizers. Or worse yet, alcohol. When you’re already so hungry and possibly thirsty too, we need sustenance. Dry crackers or bread can literally get stuck. Alcohol can go right to your head, cause digestive distress on an empty stomach. Since our body needs water to digest, adding in something super dry is an equation for digestive distress.
img_94451-590x393Eat Probiotic Rich Foods
Yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles, raw apple cider vinegar are all rich with probiotics. Include them in your diet as often as possible. Read labels. So many brands of yogurt are filled with sugar and fillers. Buy from small farms like Hawthorne Valley Farm or others on the shelf in your natural food store. Sweeten yogurt yourself with fresh fruit or purchase the ones sweetened with honey or maple syrup. Purchase sauerkraut/pickles that are kept in the refrigerator at the store. Read labels. They should not contain vinegar. Just veggies, salt and spices.

Try these ideas and see which ones work best for your body.

To your health!